ProjectAuthorActivity (as of Mar 29, 2024)
Crawls top sites daily and can query any site for a security.txtOllieJCactive
securitytxt-tools (Bash)Esa Jokinenlast update Mar 5, 2024
A Python Security.txt fetcher and parserLookyloolast update Mar 3, 2024
A middleware to represent the "security.txt" for ASP.NET Core applications.CHG-MERIDIAN AGlast update Oct 6, 2023
Security.txt for DrupalDaniel Maylast release Aug 9, 2023
A configurable security.txt plugin for GatsbyJSTomas Fülöpplast update Feb 8, 2023
A browser extension for discovering security.txt filesHarmless Systemslast update Dec 13, 2022
A Node.js middleware for Express that implements security.txtLiran Tallast update Sep 18, 2021
A Go scraper that validates security.txt files and outputs them in the JSON format.disclose.iolast update Aug 2, 2021
A Node.js Security.txt implementationFrank Hübnerlast update Jul 25, 2021
A security.txt parser for NodeJSMovitz Sunarlast update Aug 21, 2020
Identify and Parse Web Security Policies Files in R boB Rudislast update Aug 18, 2019
Security.txt toolbox for your Ruby appSqreenlast update Jun 1, 2018
A security.txt parser for GoTom Hudsonlast update Oct 8, 2017
A security.txt parser for PHPTom Hudsonlast update Oct 8, 2017
A configurable security.txt plugin for WordPress 4.9Austin Heaplast update 2017; hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress
A PSR-4 security.txt reader and writer for PHP 7+Austin Heaparchived on Apr 7, 2021
A configurable security.txt plugin for Laravel 5.5+Austin Heaparchived on Apr 7, 2021
Golang security.txt parser and cli toolAdam Shannonarchived on Feb 28, 2020
Templates for securitytxt implementationFavian Eric Raygozaremoved
An npm package for express applicationsGergely Nemethremoved